They Hug the Coastline – Letter to the Editor, East Hampton Star, February 11, 2015

Dear David,
I am writing to support the recently proposed airport legislation regarding the noise from the helicopters and other aircraft. Living in Southampton on the ocean, I have been repeatedly bothered by the low-flying helicopters at steadily increasing frequency. The helicopters are supposed to be offshore and at a minimum height. My experience is that they hug the coastline and fly so low the noise interferes with normal conversation.

I heartily support the proposed restrictions on airport use. Thank you for your hard work and for listening to the complaints of our community.



We thank Mr. Belfer for his support. We built a beautiful renovation on his home on the ocean on Gin Lane, expanding it to about 20,000 sq.ft. It is comforting to know our clients support our efforts to return to the peaceful enjoyments of our properties. This is what drew us to the Hamptons in the first place.