Archive for February, 2013
Get The Facts Right – Letter to the Editor, East Hampton Star, February 14, 2013
Dear David, Again, thank you Joanne Pilgrim, for another excellent report in last week’s East Hampton Star of the ongoing saga of discussions about East Hampton Airport at the town board meetings. It seems like silly season continues at the East Hampton Town Board. The airport manager, Mr. Brundige, will say anything. He will lie […]
Posted: February 14th, 2013 under By Frank.
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Aerial Assault – Letter to the Editor, East Hampton Star, February 11, 2013
Dear Editor: Regarding the continuing saga of East Hampton Airport: How many times will this town board allow the foxes back into the hen house before they realize our chickens are being stolen? How much taxpayer money will they spend to help create a major luxury commuter jet and heliport to replace what once was […]
Posted: February 11th, 2013 under By Tom.
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Obvious Solutions – Letter to the Editor, East Hampton Star, February 6, 2013
To the Editor, Dear East Hampton Town Board members: Please note that what (Peter) Kirsch is proposing will not alleviate what we citizens of East Hampton and the East End know to be the primary two problems at East Hampton Airport. These remain 1. the intolerable noise generated by helicopters at any time, and 2. […]
Posted: February 6th, 2013 under By Barry.
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